auto-rickshaw also known as tuk-tuk by betitu

- how much to the metro station?
-150 rupees
- no, no, 100
- 150
- no, too much (and start to walk away)
- ok, ok, 100 rupees

auto-rickshaw also known as tuk-tuk by betitu

Delhi Metro plastic token by betitu

La ficha para el metro, el precio depende de la distancia a recorrer.

Delhi city of contrasts by betitu

selling food and drinks by betitu

Comida en la calle.. Se animan??

Delhi chaotic streets by betitu

Tomamos el Ho-Ho Bus para recorrer Delhi y visitamos el Fuerte Rojo. 

Red Fort's main entrance and market by betitu

A la entrada hay un gran mercado de artesanías. 

Market at Red Fort in Delhi by betitu

Delhi Red Fort is in need of restoration by betitu

El fuerte Rojo está descuidado y no resulta tan atractivo como el fuerte de Agra. 

lively details by betitu

visitors at the Red Fort by betitu

El calor agobiante no nos permitió disfrutar mucho de la visita. Definitivamente no hay que visitar Delhi en mayo-junio!!

colorful details - new shoes by betitu

painted ceiling by betitu

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