moon and sky at dusk  by betitusquest

To new beginnings, imagination and creativity, not only in the arts but in the art of living :)

Happy New Year!! Feliz Año Nuevo!!

Por nuevos comienzos, imaginación y creatividad, no solo en el arte sino en el arte de vivir :)

moon and sky at dusk  by betitusquest

Kiyomizu-dera Japan Travel journal by betitusquest

"...the train will soon arrive at Kyoto Station..." 
Sketchbook illustrations inspired by photos found on Instagram

Bhutan girl by betitu - betitusquest sketchbook

Bhutan girl

The cook by betitu - betitusquest sketchbook

The cook at Tsukiji fish market

Bride at Heian Shrine Garden in Kyoto by betitu's quest - Travel journal

Bride at Heian Shrine Garden in Kyoto by betitu's quest - betitusketchbook

We saw her while visiting Heian Shrine Garden in Kyoto. Her presence made the moment even more special. The delicate beauty of the whole scene reinforced the feeling of being time travelers... maybe visiting a galaxy far, far away ;-)

Japanese memories by betitu - betitusquest sketchbook

betitu's quest sketchbook - Flying over Alaska

- Un viaje de 38hs 15m a otro mundo - 

Kyoto streets by betitu's quest

Walking the streets of Kyoto worth every minute of the long (and somehow stressful) journey. We arrived during Sakura season and fell in love with the joyful peace that surrounded every shrine and every area with cherry trees...which in Kyoto is pretty much everywhere!

Caminar por las calles de Kyoto vale cada minuto del largo (y a veces estresante) viaje. Llegamos en la temporada de los cerezos en flor o Sakura y me enamoré de la alegre paz que rodea cada templo y cada área con cerezos... que estando en Kyoto es prácticamente ¡en todos lados!
February and March - sketchbook drawings and daily pics

Van cambiando las estaciones... breve resumen ilustrado de febrero y marzo :)

sketchbook drawings and daily pics - betitu's quest

Los tres Reyes Magos - Three Wise men in a matchbox by betitu's quest

Dejaste los zapatitos?

all images belong to betitu unless otherwise specified -. Con la tecnología de Blogger.